Other Gardens
Neot Kedumim (“ancient place of beauty”)
Lod, Israel
Israel is “a land that has many lands within it … ” (Sifri, Ekev 39)
Neot Kedumim has taken the above midrash (homily) and created a microcosm of the Land itself, featuring flora of the Sharon Plain, Carmel Range, Arava, Negev desert, natural Mediterranean forest areas and the Jordan River Valley. In addition, Biblical animals, many now extinct in the wild, roam special areas of Neot Kedumim. All these allow visitors to see and feel the environmental context of the Scriptures.
Founded by Nogah Hareuveni in 1965, Neot Kedumim was awarded the Israel Prize in 1994 for its special contribution to the society and the state.In 1995, more than 130, 000 visitors explored the roots of the Judeo-Christian heritage at Neot Kedumim.

Other Gardens
(The) Jerusalem Botanical Garden
Jerusalem, Israel
Located in the heart of Jerusalem, the Botanical Garden is quickly becoming a center of recreation, education and research of plants introduced to Israel from abroad. The close proximity with Israel’s National Museum Mall and the science campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, make the garden a prime national asset. On a site of 24 hectare (65 acres), it is the largest Botanical Garden of the country and one of the most unique on a global scale.